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Tomisdabomb02's Site

Tomisdabomb02's Site

Coasters / Attractions

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tower of Terror - Dreamworld

Hey every one!!! this is Tom presenting the TOWER OF TERROR!!! The tower of terror is my favourate ride and i will show you multiple videos and pictures of the actual ride and my 17 foot model.

This is some information for those who wer interested:

Tower Of Terror is a steel reverse freefall coaster. The six ton passenger vehicle, is electro-magnetically powered, accelerating its passengers rapidly to 160.9 km/h (100 mph) in seven seconds. The track then turns skyward, with the passengers pulling 4.5 G’s. The car climbs to almost 38 stories high. Following the climb, there is a 6.5 second free-fall before the 90 degree turn is executed in reverse. The vehicle then hurtles into the station where it comes to a rapid stop.

Pictures of Tower of Terror:

I was obsesed with this ride. i rly wanted to make it and i was determand!!! so i started to make the coaster. i was determand to set a reacord and wanted to make the tallest and fastest knex coaster in the sourthern hemisphere. so i did so with my 17 oot launcher TOT. i used a custom launching technique that aloud the train to be launcher by rubberbands but so the train wouldent hit the bands on its way back to the station and i also made custom side friction brakes. i use the same brakes today in my coasters as they are EXTREAMLY powerfull and reyable. so with no further adue.. this is my TOWER OF TERROR video:

TOT model:

Now the seting up video:


These are some pictures of my modle of TOT:

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